Spiritual Life and Special Services
Labyrinth Walks
In the spring to autumn, we seasonally create labyrinths on the beach at low tide using pebbles. We also host occasional labyrinth walks in the church, using a canvas 'Chartre Cathedral' style labyrinth. A walk with music is offered in the church on New Year's Day. These walks are offered in partnership with the Centre for Spirituality.

Taizé for Healing
Taizé is a form of contemplative chanting that originates with an ecumenical monastic community in France. Our monthly candlelit Taizé service offers a peaceful space, with silence and reflections, for the healing of ourselves and our world. For those who wish to stay on at the end of the service, individual healing prayer and the laying on of hands is offered. No experience of Taizé chanting is needed.

Morning Meditation
Begin your weekend with an hour of contemplative practice. We have an opportunity to reflect back over our week with gratitude, savouring the blessings we have received. There is the sharing of spiritually enriching poetry or writing. We finish with Lectio Divina, an ancient way of reading scripture with the 'ears of the heart', as developed in the 6th century by St Benedict. All are welcome and no experience is needed. For those who want to stay, we share breakfast in the vicarage and a discussion about the readings. You can also join us online - the link is in the weekly newsletter. Morning meditation is offered in partnership with the Centre for Spirituality.

Easter Sunrise on the Beach
We host an informal sunrise service each Easter Sunday on the beach. It begins in the dark, watching the sunrise in silence. We gather around a fire pit to light the Easter candle, followed by singing and a joyful Communion. We share breakfast afterwards in the church hall.