Church hall
The Church Hall of the Church of the Good Shepherd is located next door to the church, with gas central heating, double-glazed windows, wheelchair-accessible toilets - one of which has full rail support - nappy changing facilities and a small kitchen.
We have a portable ramp for the main large step up as you enter, with an additional bridge to go over the lip at the bottom of the double-glazed doors. There is also a pole to grab at the side of the step for those who find walking up a step with support easier than using a ramp. Its positioning was agreed following extensive consultation with older and more infirm members of our congregation and hall users.
The main meeting area has now been improved in line with guidance for those with poor sight to improve sight lines and orientation.
The Hall is in almost constant community use, but if you need room for an activity, meeting or even a children’s party, please ask. If we can fit you in, and it would suit you, we would like to help.
However, it may save you a wasted email or text to know that we do NOT let out for adult parties involving a disco, and children's parties must keep noise to reasonable levels and switch off all music by 10pm at the latest. We also do not allow bouncy castles to be put up on the grass, though you are of course welcome to have them inside the Hall and there's plenty of space for this.
To see the current bookings, click HERE
For hall bookings or enquiries, please email in the first instance: goodshepherdhall@gmail.com
If you are unable to email, please call the Parish Office (10:00-13:00, Mon. and Tues.) 01273 440202 or leave a message outside these hours, thank you.